best freelance writing sites for beginners

Are you looking for a means to supplement your income, or maybe you want to change your career?

Becoming a freelance writer is one of the best ways to achieve this.  In this article, we will cover the best freelance writing sites for beginners.

If you have a passion for writing, freelance writing work can be a lucrative way to earn money online. Additionally, there are plenty of benefits that come with freelance writing, here are some of them;

  • Flexibility (You decide when, where, how much, and how often to work)
  • Ability to work from anywhere
  • Decent pay
  • You gain more knowledge on different topics
  • Independence and autonomy
  • No requirements to get started

After reading about the benefits of freelance writing, you may wonder if there are any drawbacks to working as a freelance writer. Yes, of course, there are. Here are some potential problems you will face if you decide to work as a freelance writer:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Loneliness
  • Difficult clients
  • Tight deadlines
  • No job security and lack of work benefits like health insurance

You have seen both the advantages and disadvantages of being a freelance writer. Do you think freelance writing is for you? If so, continue reading to discover 10+ best freelance writing sites for beginners.

What are the best freelance writing sites?

best freelance writing sites


Iwriter is one of the easiest freelance writing sites to get started with. Unlike other sites where you have to bid for work, Iwriter lets you choose what job to work on.

Here is how it works: clients order content from Iwriter, which may be blog posts, social media content, YouTube video scripts, etc., and make payment for the content. And then, the work is shown on the freelancers’ dashboard, where they can choose what to work on and start working. Once the work is submitted and approved, the freelancer gets paid.

Anyone can join Iwriter as long as they pass the onboard tests.  

Freelancers get paid through PayPal, wire transfer, or direct deposit. Payments are carried out every Tuesday as long as the balance exceeds $20.


If you have been in the freelance industry for some time, it is without doubt that you have heard of Freelancer. Freelancer is a go-to site for most employers looking for talent where they list jobs, and then freelancers bid on those jobs.

Also, you can list your skills and services on Freelancer to get found by clients. However, at the start, you may need to rely on bidding on projects to find work. As you complete more projects and receive positive reviews, clients will begin reaching out to you directly.

Watch the video below for tips to help you start and succeed as a freelancer on Freelancer.

Writer Access

Writer Access is a subscription-based website that offers content writing services for publishers. The subscription includes multiple tools such as Surfer SEO, Semrush, Spayfu, Storyblock, Shutterstock, and Canva. Furthermore, the website offers WordPress and Slack integration, making it an attractive option for web publishers looking for efficient ways to create content.

Writer Access primarily hires writers passionate about creating web content, like blog posts, web pages, and e-commerce product descriptions. Working with Writer Access is an excellent opportunity because the website provides all the tools you need to produce high-quality content.

To begin working with Writer Access, one must create an account on their website and complete the onboarding process. Prospective writers must have a LinkedIn account to sign up for a Writer Access account. After creating an account, users are encouraged to have a portfolio to showcase their skills.


I’m sure everyone has heard of Amazon, the website that sells almost everything. Fiverr is similar to Amazon because you can find almost any service on this platform. It is the biggest and most known marketplace for selling freelance services.

To make money as a writer on Fiverr, you must create and publish your writing services (gigs) on the platform. Because of stiff competition on Fiverr, you must promote your services outside Fiverr when you are new to get the ball rolling.

Depending on your skill level, you may price your service (gig) from 5 to 1000+ dollars. 


PeoplePerHour is a popular and one of the oldest freelance sites where employers can post jobs, and then freelancers can respond with proposals. It is a UK-based company, and you will find projects that pay much higher than on other sites.

Freelancers can also create and publish their gigs on PeoplePerHour to get hired, but like with most other freelance sites, you are better off bidding for jobs when you are new.


Textbroker is one of the best freelance writing sites for beginners because it does not require experience to get started. Beginners should expect to make around $16 for a 1500-word article, whereas experienced writers can make as much as $80 for writing the same article.

Note that, Textbrocker only hires US residents, so if you are from somewhere other than the US, consider other freelance writing sites in this blog post.


If you are interested in academic writing and have a bachelor’s degree or experience in any of the fields below, consider becoming a writer at WriterBay.

WriterBay: best freelance writing site

Unlike most sites in this post, which pay for the number of words written, WriterBay pays per page. You can expect to make between $8.50 and $13.44 per page.

Once WriterBay approves your freelancer application, you can start working by choosing a job from the available jobs in your account dashboard. WriterBay pays twice monthly through Payoneer or WebMoney.

Clear Voice

Clear Voice is a content creation agency owned by Fiverr that creates high-quality content for its customers. The content they create ranges from articles & blogs to e-books, landing pages, case studies, product descriptions, and infographics.

If you are interested in working for them, you must apply and get accepted into their talent network, where you will have access to several jobs.


LinkedIn is a website that employers use to find talented writers.

To find writing jobs on LinkedIn, search for the writing work you want on LinkedIn. You’ll find many jobs to apply for. Ensure you optimize your LinkedIn profile to match the job you want before applying.

You may also use LinkedIn to find the contact information of potential employers so that you can reach out to them about your writing services.

You might find part-time or full-time work on LinkedIn.


Like LinkedIn, you can find a lot of freelance writing work by searching on Indeed.

Many companies advertise jobs on LinkedIn and allow people to apply directly to the company.

To find work on LinkedIn, go to their website and search for the type of work you are looking for. You can submit your application through LinkedIn or contact the HR of the company you want to work for.


If you don’t want to spend countless hours searching for writing jobs, Solidgig could be the solution. Solidgig is a paid service that helps freelancers find work.

Easily set up your profile, and then Solidgig will start sending you job alerts whenever there’s a good match. You then need to send a pitch directly to the employer. You get to keep 100% of your earnings and maintain the relationship with your clients.

Note that even though this website is legit, many people claim that the leads they get are not very useful. It might not be the best option for complete beginners.


Contena is the best freelance writing site for beginners who completely have no idea about freelance writing. It is a paid service that will guide you through everything on how to become a freelance writer.

You get a couch to whom you can ask anything about freelance writing work, bidding for work, and setting up your profile. So if you have no clue about freelance writing but you are interested, investing in Contena is worth it.

Contena also comes with a private job board where you can find freelance writing jobs. The only downside is that it’s a paid service and some may find it pricey.


Problogger job board

ProBlogger is one of the oldest websites that helps bloggers create and grow their blogs. It has a lot of information to help bloggers make money with their blogs. If you are just starting as a blogger, ProBlogger is a great resource.

For freelancers, ProBlogger has a job board where they can find several writing jobs. These jobs are advertised by bloggers looking for content writers, and you need to reach out to them to apply. You will find the contact info in the job postings.

Bonus: best freelance writing sites for beginners 

The sites I have shared above are places where you can find freelance writing jobs for beginners, but the sites I will share below are for absolute beginners. They are easy to get started with, and you are likely not to make much money with them.


Sproutgigs is a freelance marketplace that is focused on providing services for a fraction of the price. Freelancers, writers included, can list their services (gigs) and start earning money.

The reason Sproutgigs is suitable for beginners is that you don’t need experience to join. You also don’t need to take any tests when joining, you only create an account and list your services, and you are good to go.


This is a freelance writing site for micro writing projects. New members start by writing easy articles/blogs that are less than 200 words. It’s one of the best freelance writing sites for beginners because it is easy to join, and you are guided through how to complete tasks.

Wordapp also offers surveys, which is another way to make money in your free time. 

If you are just starting as a freelance writer, I suggest that you check out Wordapp. You may not make much, but you will learn about writing, and you will be making a few bucks as you look for better-paying opportunities.


The rise of AI writing tools might lead you to believe that freelance writing is no longer in demand. However, this is not the case. There is still a high demand for well-written content crafted by humans. People prefer to read articles that are based on real-life experiences, as they can easily relate to them.

This blog post lists 10+ websites where beginners can find freelance writing work. If you are interested in freelance writing, this post will help you get started.

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