How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day

With over 3 billion active monthly users, Facebook offers an excellent opportunity for people to earn money online. I’m talking about making crazy money, like 500 dollars per day.

Of course, no guarantee implementing any of the strategies we will cover will earn you $500 every day. However, there’s a great potential to make this much money on Facebook if you are willing to put in the effort.

In this blog post, you will discover 11 proven strategies on how to earn money on Facebook $500 every day.

What you need to get started

Making money on Facebook doesn’t require any money or experience. Anyone with a computer with internet access can start earning money on Facebook using any of the strategies we will discuss in this post.

You need to have a Facebook account to get started. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can easily create one by visiting Facebook.

You may also have to create a Facebook page or open a Facebook group because some strategies involve having an audience.

The most crucial aspect of earning money on Facebook is dedicating time to learning and improving yourself. You can’t expect to make $500 every day in the first month, but with time and dedication, you’ll be able to make even more.

How to get started

This article covers 11 proven ways how to earn money on Facebook $500 every day. You can use any of the ways and make money on Facebook, however, most of these methods require having an audience.

Building an audience is the only way I can guarantee that you to make money on Facebook. To build an audience on Facebook, follow these three steps.

Step 1: Identify your niche (area of expertise)

Before you start creating your page, it’s important to identify the topic (niche) you want to focus on. Having a clear and specific niche can help grow your page faster and attract the right audience.

To choose a niche, examine your interests and strengths to see if there’s a topic you can make content about. Research if others are creating similar content and if that niche is profitable. This will help you create a successful page that resonates with your audience.

Read this article from Shopify on how to identify your niche.

Step 2: Set up a professional-looking Facebook page

When creating your Facebook page, use a clear and easy-to-remember business name, and upload a profile picture and cover photo that reflects the niche of your page. Add contact information to get in touch with potential clients.

Also, add a good description of what your page is all about.

Below is an example of a well-set-up Facebook page.

 how to earn money on Facebook $500 every day (Facebook page example)

To learn more about creating a professional-looking Facebook business page, watch the video below.

A video on how to create a Facebook page

You may also create a Facebook group instead of a Facebook page to build an audience. However, you will have limited monetization options with a Facebook group.

Step 3: Drive traffic to your page (Create content)

The most important part is bringing people to your page so that they can watch your videos and see your offers. You can do this by creating engaging content.

Create videos and publish posts where you talk about things related to your niche. Always add clear call-to-actions to your content when promoting products/services.

Use past results and client testimonials in your future content to establish authority and attract even more clients.

How to Earn Money on Facebook $500 Every Day: 11 Proven Ways

1. Offer Consulting Services

Offering consulting services is the easiest and fastest way to make $500 every day on Facebook because you can charge more for your time and expertise.

Offering consulting services means providing expert guidance and solutions to people and businesses to help them obtain specific goals, improve performance, or solve problems.

You may offer consultation on gardening, home decoration, plumbing, how to use certain types of equipment, and any other things that require technical knowledge. 

If you are a professional, you can offer consulting services on things most people struggle with in your area of expertise. The most popular and profitable industries to offer consulting services include:

  • Finance
  • Legal
  • Healthcare
  • IT
  • Human Resources

2. Offer Services to Your Local Community

You can earn up to $500 or even more every day by opening a business Facebook page dedicated to providing a specific service to your local community.

You can provide different services in your community, such as cleaning, garbage collection, plumbing, child care, and appliance repair.

Use your Facebook page to create awareness for your services by creating content and engaging in local Facebook groups. You may also run ads through your page to find clients.

Once you are known, it’s easy to make $500 a day or even more with this strategy.

3. Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products or services to earn a commission. With affiliate marketing, you can start making money from day one since you are promoting an already existing product or service.

By doing affiliate marketing, you won’t have to create your own product or worry about shipping or storage.

To make money with affiliate marketing on Facebook, you should open a Facebook page or group and start sharing content. Create and publish content in one niche, and then mention and link to products within your content.

You can also make money with affiliate marketing on Facebook by participating in public groups. Ensure to add value to the groups instead of just spamming them with links.

Additionally, you can make money with affiliate marketing without creating content, all you need is to find a product and promote it using Facebook Ads.

4. Become a Facebook Social Media Manager 

Did you know that you could make a substantial amount of money by managing Facebook pages and accounts? Many brands and individuals are constantly looking for social media managers and are willing to pay generously.

As a social media manager, you’ll be responsible for a variety of tasks. These can include:

  • Writing copy for Facebook posts
  • Scheduling and publishing content
  • Creating content
  • Editing content (Videos)
  • Responding to comments 
  • Building content calendars
  • Running promotion campaigns 

How to get started

To become a Facebook social media manager, you must have some digital skills, such as copywriting and graphic design.

If you have the necessary skills, create a portfolio to showcase your competency. Find clients by reaching out to individuals and brands about your services. You may offer to manage social media accounts for free to get clients.

To learn more about how to become a social media manager, watch the video below.

5. Content Monetization

If you can grow your Facebook page to meet the Facebook monetization requirements, monetizing your videos can be a great way to make money on Facebook. Several individuals just like you are making thousands of dollars monthly by posting videos to Facebook.

Facebook offers different forms of monetization, but the sweet spot is monetizing your content with in-stream ads. These ads are shown at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a video. You need to meet certain requirements and be in an eligible country to apply for monetization.

Besides in-stream ads, you can monetize your Facebook content in the following ways.

  • Facebook Stars: You enable stars on live streams and videos so that people can send you stars to support you. Each Facebook Star is equal to one cent.
  • Fan Subscriptions: When you meet certain requirements, you can let fans subscribe to your page to support your work.
  • Live Streams: You can earn money by going live and enabling ads during the live stream. 
  • Ads on Reals: Earn money by enabling ads on your reals.
  • Paid Events: You can earn money by hosting paid events on Facebook.
  • Facebook Bonuses: Facebook rewards the best-performing creators through its bonus reward program. You get paid a certain amount when you reach set thresholds.
  • Donations: You can earn money on Facebook by adding a donation link to your page and encouraging fans to support your work by donating something.

6. Create Sponsored Videos

Facebook has a marketplace where you can find brands to collaborate with. You can make money by creating sponsored videos. You may earn as much as $10,000 per video.

To start making money with sponsored videos, you need to have a Facebook page dedicated to creating content in one niche. Brands are more likely to sponsor your videos and pay you more if you have a dedicated audience in a specific niche.

7. Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is an excellent place where you can sell used and new products to earn money consistently. Just like on Amazon and eBay, you can list and sell products on Facebook Marketplace.

To make money, you can find products at lower prices and sell them at a higher price on Facebook. Since Facebook has a massive audience, it’s possible to earn up to $500 every day.

8. Run Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads enable you to advertise and acquire leads on Facebook. Advertisers can earn a considerable amount of money with Facebook Ads by being an affiliate. To make $500 daily, you must find products that pay high commissions per lead.

You can also easily earn $500 per day by promoting local service businesses. For instance, you can promote a local plumbing business to bring them new clients. Suppose the business charges $2,000 to do the work; in that case, you can promote it and charge $3,000, keeping $1,000 as your profit.

Though you can earn $100,000+ per month running Facebook Ads, which is more than $500 every day, you need money and have basic skills to make money with Facebook Ads. To learn how to run successful Facebook ad campaigns, check out Ben Heath’s tutorials on YouTube.

9. Earn Money With Subscription Facebook Groups

Running a Facebook group with a monthly subscription is another way to make money on Facebook.
For people to pay to join your group, you must share content they can’t find anywhere else.

It may also be about building a community of people with common beliefs. People would join because of the support they would get from the community.

Always engage with your group members to keep them paying and attract new members. Run challenges or giveaways to keep members engaged.

Also, make sure the price of the subscription is slightly lower than the value members get from the group.

10. Create and Sell Products

Facebook is a great place to find potential customers. With the right audience, you can make a ton of money by selling your products.

To make money selling products on Facebook, you must create content in one niche, that way you can grow an audience interested in the topic. If the majority of your audience is interested in the type of content you create, they will buy when you have a product for them.

Info products are the best and most profitable products to sell since you only create them once and can sell them over and over. You also don’t have to worry about shipping and storage.

11. Earn Money From Facebook Live Streams

You can earn money by going live on Facebook.

If your Facebook page is monetized, you can earn money by turning on ads during the livestream. You can also earn money by encouraging viewers to buy something during the livestream.

How to earn money on Facebook $500 every day (Frequently Asked Questions)

Does Facebook Pay for 1k Followers?

No, Facebook does not pay for the number of followers you have. It pays for the number of views you get on your videos. 

To monetize your Facebook page with in-stream ads, you must have at least 10,000 followers and 600,000 watch minutes in the past 60 days.

How to Get 1,000 Followers on Facebook Fast?

To get 1000 Facebook followers fast, you must publish engaging videos and posts consistently. You also need to make sure that you stick to one topic (niche) in all of your posts. Additionally, running giveaways and competitions can also help you reach 1000 followers faster.

How Much Does Facebook Pay For 1,000 Views?

Facebook pays between $1 and $10 per 1000 views. The pay rate can vary significantly depending on your CPM. CPM stands for Cost Per Mile, the amount of money you earn per 1000 views. 

CPMs can vary depending on several factors, such as video topic (niche) and viewers’ location. For instance, you can earn more money if your video is about finance or business rather than entertainment. You can also make more money if the majority of your viewers come from countries such as the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, or Germany.

How Many Followers Do You Need to Get Paid on Facebook?

To monetize your content on Facebook and start making money, you must have at least 10,000 followers. 

You can also start earning money through stars once you have at least 500 followers. When you enable stars on your videos, people can send you stars and each star is equal to one cent. 

Can I Earn Real Money on Facebook?

Yes, you can earn real money on Facebook. There are many ways you can earn money and get paid on Facebook. You may earn money by applying for Facebook monetization, selling products, doing affiliate marketing, running Facebook Ads, etc.

How Much Money is 1 Million Views on Facebook?

You can expect to earn between $1,000 and $10,000 for 1 million views on Facebook. But, there’s no specific amount Facebook pays for 1 million views. You may make more or less depending on your CPM.

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