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One of the best ways to make money online is through freelance writing. With freelance writing, you have total control over your schedule, and you can work from anywhere, I mean anywhere, including in your bed.

Also, freelance writing can be a very lucrative way to earn money online.

Getting started with freelance writing is straightforward. You only need a computer with internet access and a freelance writing site to work for. 

In this iWriter review, you will find out whether iWriter is a good fit for freelance writing. We will cover how iWriter works, payments, pros and cons, reviews from iWriter writers, and alternatives to iWriter.

iWriter Overview

iwriter review: What is iwriter?

iWriter is a content creation platform for web publishers. They write all sorts of content, including blog posts, articles, product descriptions, rewrites, press releases, YouTube video scripts, etc.

The company started operating in 2011 and has established itself as one of the best content creation sites.

For freelance writers, iWriter offers an excellent opportunity to earn money online by writing articles.

In comparison to other freelance writing sites, iWriter is somehow easy to join since there are no requirements like having a degree or experience to join them. Because there are no requirements, anyone can join iWriter and start making money online.

iWriter Review: A Comparison of Pros & Cons

Let’s discuss the pros and cons of freelance writing for iWriter. 


  • Easy to join
  • Quick weekly payments
  • Pays through PayPal
  • Beginner-friendly and easy to use
  • The pay is decent, especially for Elite & Elite Plus writers
  • Writers have access to jobs and don’t have to bid for work


  • Writers don’t get paid for rejected articles
  • High fees of 35% per article
  • Low pay for lower levels
  • There’s no proper review or rating of written articles. Clients can reject articles without a good reason
  • Writers’ accounts can get banned at any time without warning 

Is iWriter legit?

iWriter is a legit company founded in 2011 and has been offering content creation services ever since. 

In addition to having been in the industry for over a decade, iWriter is recognized and listed as a legitimate company by many organizations, including Crunchbase

After thorough research, it is clear that iWriter pays its freelancers for all articles written and approved. So, if you are a freelance writer wondering whether iWriter will pay you, not only will iWriter pay you, but it will do so on time.

Furthermore, iWriter has many positive reviews online proving that it is a legit site to work for or order content from. 

How much money can you make on iWriter?

How much money you can make on iWriter depends entirely on your experience level. For example, experienced writers like Annie Messeri have reported earning nearly $40,000 in one year on iWriter, yet others showed that they barely made anything.

Annie Messeri's iWriter earnings

On iWriter, there are four different writer levels, and your earnings depend on which level you are. A writer may belong to any of the following levels Standard, Premium, Elite, or Elite Plus, depending on the quality of content he or she writes.

Writers get paid for the number of words written. A writer may earn anywhere from $2 to $40 for a 500-word long article based on his or her writer level.

So, based on your experience level, you may make a few bucks to $1,000+ monthly freelance writing on iWriter.

Even though iWriter is a beginner-friendly freelance writing site, you should not expect to make much as a new writer since pay rates for Standard writers are extremely low. You can expect decent pay once you have a higher level. You also get better pay if you get special requests from clients to write content for them.

How do freelancers get paid?

Freelancers are paid every Tuesday through PayPal for as long as they have earned a minimum of $20.

Out of several freelance writing sites I have worked with, iWriter stands out when regarding making payments. Freelancers get paid on time, and they don’t have to wait for a long time since payments are made weekly.

Also, from the several reviews I read online, no one complained about having payment issues with iWriter. With such a long track record of timely payments, we can expect iWriter to continue doing so.

Note that you will get paid 65% of the price for each article you write, and iWriter keeps 35%. If you get a special request to write an article by a client, you will get paid 70% of the price for the article.

How to get started with iWriter

iWriter has an easy onboarding process for freelance writers. You can start making money in a few steps.

Step 1: Submit application

To get started, you must fill out the application form on iWriter. You only need to enter your name, email, country, and Facebook or LinkedIn profile URL.

In addition to filling in some basic info, you will write a 200-word-long personal statement of why you would like to work for iWriter. Ensure you write an excellent personal statement to increase the chances of your account getting approved.

You will also have to write another 200-word-long article on a specific topic. This article will be used to determine your writing and research skills.

After submitting your application, give iWriter at least one week to review your application. If your application gets approved, you will receive an email from iWriter on what you must do next. However, if you don’t hear from them, it implies your application was unsuccessful.

Step 2: Fill out your profile information

Once your application is approved, you must log into your account and fill out your profile information.

Firstly, make sure to upload a profile picture and write a bio. This step is important because a good profile picture and bio will make your profile stand out to clients.

Then, you must fill out your experience information, and if you have work samples, you must include them as well.

Finally, you need to enter your payment information. iWriter pays through PayPal, so you need to enter your PayPal email address. You can also change the minimum payout amount in this section.

Step 3: Start working

After filling out your profile, you can start working immediately by going to your account dashboard and selecting a job from the available jobs. You will be able to see the payment for each job and the amount of time in which you must finish the job.

Once you have selected a job and have finished working, you can submit it for review. The client has 72 hours to review and rate the article.

Step 4: Get paid

Once the client approves your article, you will get paid for the article, and your earnings will move from the Pending Approval to Total Earnings.

Writing levels on iWriter

The level of a writer on iWriter determines how much they would earn massively. For instance, a Standard writer may earn $2.15 to write a 500-word article, whereas an Elite Plus writer may earn more than $25 to write an article of the same length.

There are 4 writing levels on iWriter.

  • Standard
  • Premium
  • Elite
  • Elite Plus

All writers who sign up for the first time start as Standard writers, and they make the least amount of money on the platform.

To get promoted to higher writing levels, you must meet the following requirements:

  • To become a Premium Writer, you must have a minimum rating of 4.1 stars and at least 25 ratings.
  • To become an Elite Writer, you must have a minimum rating of 4.6 stars and at least 30 ratings.
  • To become an Elite Plus Writer, you must have a minimum rating of 4.85 stars and at least 40 ratings.

Writers in the Elite Plus level can make up to 10 times what Standard Writers make for writing an article of the same length. They get the most requests to write content from clients, and as a result, make more money. 

To make the most out of iWriter, aim to reach the Elite level or, even better, the Elite Plus level, where you will have access to better-paying jobs.

iWriter Review: What do others have to say

I went through several reviews to find out what others think of iWriter. Even though most of the reviews for iWriter online are from clients, I found some reviews written by freelance writers.

There are many iWriter reviews on sites like SitejabberG2, and Trustpilot. However, you will find many reviews from other freelance writers like you on Indeed and Glassdoor. iWriter has a 3.6-star rating on Indeed and a 4.0-star on Glassdoor.

From the reviews online:

Here are the most common things writers like about iWriter:

  • It is easy to join, and there’s work for every writing level
  • Quick payments
  • It is a good place to learn about freelance writing and gain experience
  • Flexible work
  • Good pay for experienced writers

Here are common things writers dislike about iWriter:

  • Poor pay; most people complained of having too much work for little pay.
  • Accounts get banned without warning, and writers don’t get paid if that happens.
  • There is no work sometimes.
  • Reviewing and rating of articles is done by clients, which is a bad thing because some clients may reject articles for no reason and sometimes still end up using the articles.
  • Poor support

iWriter Alternatives

Let’s assume iWriter is not a good fit for you. Does that mean you can’t earn money online as a freelance writer? That’s not the case because you can still make money online with other freelance writing sites.

Here are the best iWriter alternatives for freelance writers.

1. Writer Access

Writer Access is a content creation website that mainly focuses on producing web content such as blog posts, SEO-optimized content, product descriptions, landing pages, etc.

They are always looking for writers to join them, but you need some experience to apply. 

2. Textbroker

Textbroker is an excellent alternative to iWriter, especially for people without experience. If you are new to freelance writing, consider checking out Textbroker. The only difference is that it only hires from the US.

3. Fiverr

Fiverr is a giant freelance marketplace that connects clients with freelancers. 

You can provide various freelance services on Fiverr, including writing services. Keep in mind that finding work on Fiverr is highly competitive due to the number of people offering services on the platform.

4. ProBlogger

ProBlogger is one of the oldest sites where you can find freelance work. To see available work, visit the ProBlogger job board, where you can find several writing jobs. Most of these jobs involve writing blog posts and other web-related content.

5. Freelancer

Similar to Fiverr, Freelancer is a freelance marketplace where clients come to find talented freelancers. Freelancer allows bidding on posted jobs and setting up and selling your gigs.

Is iWriter Worth it?

Whether iWriter is worth it or not depends on what you are looking for and where you live. 

If you are looking for a side hustle to make a few extra bucks, iWriter is worth it. However, it may not be worthwhile if you are looking for a full-time job to cover your living expenses.

Also, if you live in a country where making a few hundred dollars a month makes a huge difference, you will find iWriter worth it. But if you live in one of the first-world countries where minimum wages and costs are higher, iWriter may not be worthwhile.

iWriter is a good place for people to gain freelance writing experience, making it a worthwhile opportunity for beginners to earn money online and gain experience.

iWriter Review: Conclusion

iWriter is a content creation website mainly focusing on producing written content for the internet. They write different kinds of content, such as blog posts, articles, product descriptions, YouTube video scripts, etc.

It is a great site to work for as a freelance writer, and you don’t need any experience to join. Pay rates are low for beginners but increase as you gain experience. Additionally, iWriter is known for paying freelancers on time.

What do you think is iWriter a good fit for you?

You can try it out to find out for yourself, and also check out my blog post on the best freelance writing sites for beginners.

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